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A Hybrid Facilitated Writing Retreat:
"Craft Your Craft" & "Brew and Bond"

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This 3-day hybrid facilitated writing retreat provides a brilliant opportunity for aspiring and experienced teachers and pedagogic researchers to explore creative teaching practice and pedagogic research, learn new writing skills, and develop a supportive community. Different from a standard writing retreat which allocates a full period of time and space for writing, our retreat will feature a variety of activities, including a pre-writing retreat workshop on Day 1, sharing sessions and pedagogic research match-making on Day 2, as well as focused, uninterrupted writing sessions, and a post-workshop group consultation on Day 3.

Whether you are working on a grant proposal, an evaluation report, a journal article manuscript, or simply setting aside dedicated time to explore literature in your area, this hybrid facilitated retreat offers a precious occasion for you to immerse yourself in your craft, meet new like-minded colleagues, and leave feeling inspired. Join us for our very first writing retreat. It will provide the space for you to receive input and solicit insights from workshop speakers and academic peers, make meaningful progress on your current projects, and reflect on your practice and pedagogic research journey.


What you will achieve:

By the end of the writing retreat, participants will be able to:

• gather ideas and insights into a range of pedagogic research projects at CUHK
• meet and identify potential collaborators for new pedagogic research projects
• discern key aspects of research paper writing and using narrative in academic writing
• dedicate focused, uninterrupted time for writing in a supportive community
• discuss and reflect on experiences and challenges related to academic writing



• Please bring your laptop and other computing device for the focused writing sessions and the post-workshop group consultation.
• Please note that the writing workshops do not cover all aspects of academic writing, but intend to provide some perspective on how to write a research paper and how to use narrative to improve academic writing. You are encouraged to apply and adapt what you have learnt during the retreat in your pedagogic research projects.


Day 1

26 August 2024 (Mon)

  • Pre-writing retreat workshop: How to write a research paper

27 August 2024 (Tue)

  • Sharing sessions

  • Pedagogic research matchmaking

  • Online workshop on Storytelling for academic writers: How to use narrative to improve writing

Day 2

28 August 2024 (Wed)

  • Focused writing sessions

  • Post-workshop group consultation: How to use narrative to improve writing/general academic writing

Day 3

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